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Opening hours


Monday    9am – 3.45pm

 Tuesday    9am – 3.45pm

Wednesday 9am - 12pm

Thursday  9am – 3.45pm

  Friday         9am – 3.45pm

We are open during term time only

 Term Dates 2024 - 2025


Autumn Term 1, 2024 (7 weeks)

Inset day: Monday 2nd & Tuesday 3rd September – open morning 10am – 12 

New starter open day: Wednesday 4th September (9am – 12)

School opens to everyone: Thursday 5th September

School closes: Friday 18th October

Half Term: Monday 21st – Friday 25th October


Autumn Term 2, 2024 (7 weeks)

School opens: Monday 28th October

School closes: Friday 13th December


Spring Term 1, 2025 (6 weeks)

Inset Day : Monday 6th January

School opens: Tuesday 7th January

School closes: Friday 14th February

Half Term: Monday 17th – Friday 21st February


Spring Term 2, 2025 (6 weeks)

School opens: Monday 24th February

School closes: Friday 4th April


Summer Term  1, 2025 (5 weeks)

School opens: Tuesday 22nd April

School closes: Friday 23rd May

(May Bank Holiday Monday 5th May – School closed)

Half Term: Monday 26th May – Friday 30th June


Summer Term 2, 2025 (7 weeks)

Inset Day: Monday 2nd  June

School opens: Tuesday 3rd June

School closes: Thursday 17th July (Finish at 12noon – party day)

Inset Day: Friday 18th July


Bank holidays – Preschool is closed

 25th and 26th December  /  1st  January / 18th and 21st April /  5th  and 26th May

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